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FBI Labels Q-Anon Supporters “Domestic Violent Extremists” Despite Zero Evidence

April Matthews June 16, 2021 Crime, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Lead, U.S. Comments Off on FBI Labels Q-Anon Supporters “Domestic Violent Extremists” Despite Zero Evidence

The Q-anon movement terrifies the deep state (aka CIA) and the powers it controls (aka FBI, State and Justice Department, all democrats, etc.) So, following the plan to establish global serfdom, the FBI has now labeled supporters of the movement “violent extremists.” Forget the fact that there’s no evidence of this… and forget the fact that Antifa has actually murdered people and unlawfully seized government property… the FBI is going after Q.

Conservative Treehouse reported:

The left-wing extremist Saul Alinsky famously instructed his radical followers on the best way to attack their political opposition.  Alinsky told his communist crew to “Isolate, Ridicule and Marginalize” their opponents.  In the decades since those first Rules for Radicals were published the instructions have been used and adapted on a continual basis by a growing faction inside the Democrat apparatus.

President Barack Obama then brought an entire cabinet of people who followed those instructions into the federal government and they spread out like fertilizer over the seeded embeds within every institution.  After twelve years of the Obama-led operatives purging a replacing people within government with like-minded followers the cancer of left-wing radicalism metastasized.

Key institutions of government (across all branches at the federal level) are now controlled and operated by Socialist/Marxist/Communist ideologues and agitators.  The intelligence agencies and justice system are particularly filled with political operatives.  The unified coup de grâce was the manipulation of the 2020 presidential election by national political activists using mail-in ballots, and supporting local operatives within targeted precincts.

The flaw in their 2020 strategy was the transparency of the manipulation.  It was the scale of the manipulation that made the fraud so visible.  However, once that Rubicon was crossed the outcome must be protected at all costs by those previously mentioned institutions and their leadership.

When we described the upcoming battle their activity has predictably created, I said this:  “I would expect the government response … will be a combination of the DOJ/FBI “domestic extremist” narratives, combined with racism accusations and claims of election disinformation.”  Put another way: “The Alinsky model: Isolate, Ridicule and Marginalize your political opposition in combination with the use of arrests and threats by the justice department.”

It only took a few hours before that exact scenario started to unfold in real time:

WASHINGTON DC – “The FBI has warned lawmakers in Washington that QAnon followers may move from being “digital soldiers” to engaging in “real world violence.”

“We assess that some [domestic violent extremist] adherents of QAnon likely will begin to believe they can no  longer ‘trust the plan’ referenced in QAnon posts and that they have an obligation to change from serving as ‘digital soldiers’ towards engaging in real world violence—including harming perceived members of the “cabal” such as Democrats and other political opposition—instead of continually awaiting Q’s promised actions which have not occurred,” the assessment says. (read more)

The FBI is now targeting any political opposition by defining them as “Domestic Violent Extremists.”  Those of you who have been in this larger political battle against Marxism for a while will ‘already have noticed’ the ¹predictability of this approach.

“Domestic Violent Extremists”, “Deplorables”, “JiHobbits”, “Right-Wing Extremists”, “Vulgarians”, “Racists” etc. etc.  The names change, but the underlying purpose of the labels to achieve political objectives remains the same: Isolate, Ridicule, Marginalize.  The difference this time around is the open participation of the U.S. Justice System and federal law enforcement.  This is going to be ugly.

There is a dangerous battle brewing and it is very clear for those paying attention {Go Deep}.  The 2020 election fraud was so large in scale it is becoming increasingly visible, and it is starting to become impossible to hide.  There is no bag big enough to throw over the evidence.

Those behind the Biden avatar are now positioning resources, actual physical resources, to fight awakened U.S. citizens through the fully weaponized institutions of government.  The FBI is one of those key institutions in the battle; a key weapon in their arsenal.  They will use threats, intimidation and actual arrests if needed to achieve their objective.

Those who stand jaw-agape now perhaps should have reacted more urgently to the FBI no-knock raids on President Trump’s advisors (Manafort, Stone) or personal lawyer (Giuliani).  The lack of an outraged response from a nation of citizens has only empowered these agencies to be more aggressive, more bold and more confrontation in their manipulation of the justice system.  Passive and non-confrontational acceptance by republican political cowards and our elected federal representatives provides a willfully blind endorsement for this corrupt behavior.

A corrupt political Intelligence Community, DOJ and FBI crossed constitutional limits long ago.  We are now in the phase where those institutions feel above any restrictions that may have been imposed by previous citizen government.

In essence, ‘We The People’ have now become their enemy.  This will not end well.

The Gateway Pundit added:

The FBI is once again targeting obscure Q Anon followers.

More than 8,500 BLM-Antifa terrorists were arrested during the 2020 summer of rage after doing billions in damage, but the FBI is hunting down digital LARPers.

According to a new FBI report obtained by CNN, Q Anon followers could transition from “digital soldiers” to committing acts of violence.

CNN reported:

The FBI has warned lawmakers that online QAnon conspiracy theorists may carry out more acts of violence as they move from serving as “digital soldiers” to taking action in the real world following the January 6 US Capitol attack.

The shift is fueled by a belief among some of the conspiracy’s more militant followers that they “can no longer ‘trust the plan” set forth by its mysterious standard-bearer, known simply as “Q,” according an unclassified FBI threat assessment on QAnon sent to lawmakers last week, which was obtained by CNN.

Read the FBI’s full, unclassified assessment dated June 4:

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The post FBI Labels Q-Anon Supporters “Domestic Violent Extremists” Despite Zero Evidence appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

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